Exchange Currency

cash asset ratio

Total dollar value of cash and marketable securities divided by current liabilities. For a bank this is the cash held by the bank as a proportion of deposits in the bank. The cash asset ratio measures the extent to which a corporation or other entity can quickly liquidate assets and cover short-term liabilities, and therefore is of interest to short-term creditors. also called liquidity ratio or cash ratio.

Related information about cash asset ratio:
  1. Cash Asset Ratio Definition | Investopedia
    Also known as the cash ratio, the cash asset ratio compares the dollar amount of highly liquid assets (such as cash and marketable securities) for every one ...
  2. Cash Asset Ratio or Cash Ratio | Liquidity Ratios
    The cash asset ratio is used to measures the corporations ability to quickly liquidate assets and cover short-term liabilities. The cash asset ratio is typically of ...
  3. What is Cash Asset Ratio? - Investor Glossary
    What is Cash Asset Ratio? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Cash Asset Ratio.
  4. Cash Asset Ratio (CAR)
    Cash Ratio CaR or Cash Asset Ratio (CAR) is a method or a formula for capturing the liquidity of a company by comparing company's cash reserves and ...
  5. Cash asset ratio - The Free Dictionary
    (Economics, Accounting & Finance / Banking & Finance) the ratio of cash on hand to total deposits that by law or custom commercial banks must maintain Also ...
  6. Cash Asset Ratio - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A ratio of a company's cash and liquid assets to its total liabilities. A cash asset ratio measures a company's liquidity and how easily it can service debt and cover ...
  7. What is cash asset ratio? definition and meaning
    Definition of cash asset ratio: Total dollar value of cash and marketable securities divided by current liabilities. For a bank this is the cash held by the bank as a ...
  8. What is a Cash Asset Ratio?
    Sometimes referred to as a liquidity ratio, the cash asset ratio has to do with the total amount of cash on hand and securities that could be easily turned into cash, ...