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civilian unemployment rate

The number of unemployed people divided by the total size of the labor force, expressed as a percentage. People who are jobless, looking for jobs, and available for work are considered unemployed. The labor force is defined as people who are either employed or unemployed.

Related information about civilian unemployment rate:
  1. Civilian Unemployment Rate (UNRATE) - FRED - St. Louis Fed
    Nov 2, 2012 ... Series: UNRATE, %, Monthly, 1948-01 to 2012-10, SA, FRED: Download, graph, and track economic data. Tags: 16 years +, household survey, ...
  2. Civilian Unemployment Rate (UNRATENSA) - FRED - St. Louis Fed
    Nov 2, 2012 ... Series: UNRATENSA, %, Monthly, 1948-01 to 2012-10, NSA, FRED: Download, graph, and track economic data. Tags: 16 years +, household ...
  3. Graph: Civilian Unemployment Rate (UNRATE) - FRED - St. Louis Fed
    Download, graph, and track over 60000 US and international economic time series.
  4. What is civilian unemployment rate? definition and meaning
    Definition of civilian unemployment rate: The number of unemployed people divided by the total size of the labor force, expressed as a percentage. People who ...
  5. Civilian Unemployment Rate: Percent: SA - Economagic
    Chart's Series Name: Civilian Unemployment Rate: Percent: SA. For this series: Numerical Data | GIF Chart · Transform this series | Display series in ...
  6. Civilian Unemployment Rate: Percent: SA - Economagic
    The best economic data site with over 400000 series. Users have the ability to make their own custom charts, XY plots, regressions, and get data in excel files, ...
  7. U.S. Unemployment Rate Forecast
    U.S. Civilian Unemployment Rate Forecast. Percent Unemployed, Seasonally ... U.S. Civilian Unemployment Rate. Past Trend, Present Value and Future ...
  8. Civilian Unemployment Rate
    Civilian Unemployment Rate in the United States was recorded at 8.10 % in August of ... Historically, Civilian Unemployment Rate averaged 5.7943 % since ...