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A classification used to denote any employee coverage plan where the employee contributes at least a portion of the premium.

Related information about contributory:
  1. contributory - definition of contributory by the Free Online Dictionary ...
    con·trib·u·to·ry (k n-tr b y -tôr , -t r ). adj. 1. Of, relating to, or involving contribution. 2. Helping to bring about a result. 3. Subject to an impost or levy.
  2. Contributory negligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Contributory negligence in common-law jurisdictions is defense to a claim based on negligence, an action in tort. It applies to cases where plaintiffs/claimants ...
  3. Contributory | Define Contributory at
    furnishing something toward a result: a contributory factor. 3. of, pertaining to, or constituting an insurance or pension plan the premiums of which are paid partly ...
  4. Contributory Synonyms, Contributory Antonyms |
    Synonyms for contributory at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
  5. Contributory Value Definition | Investopedia
    The value contributed by a component or part to the total value of the whole. Contributory value is most commonly used in real estate to refer to the contribution ...
  6. Contributory Negligence
    Explanation of contributory negligence with summaries of several landmark cases.
  7. contributory: Definition, Synonyms from
    (kən-trĭb'yə-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē) pronunciation adj. Of, relating to, or involving contribution. Helping to bring about a result. Subject to an impost or levy. n., pl., -ries.
  8. Contributory and Non-Contributory Coverage
    When coverage is contributory (employees contribute toward the premium), each employee should apply for or refuse coverage within 31 days of the date when ...