Exchange Currency

conversion parity price

The price that an investor effectively pays for common stock by purchasing a convertible security and then exercising the conversion option. This is equal to the price on the convertible divided by the conversion ratio (the number of shares that the convertible can be converted into). also called market conversion price.

Related information about conversion parity price:
  1. Conversion Parity Price Definition | Investopedia
    The price paid for a share of stock purchased by exercising the option on a convertible security. The conversion parity price is the effective price paid by the ...
  2. Parity Price Definition | Investopedia
    Parity price is commonly used in the context of convertible securities and often referred to as "conversion parity price" or "market conversion price". It is the price ...
  3. What is conversion parity price? definition and meaning
    Definition of conversion parity price: The price that an investor effectively pays for common stock by purchasing a convertible security and then exercising the ...
  4. What is a Conversion Parity Price?
    A conversion parity price is the calculation of the eventual realized rate or price that is paid for any type of convertible security that is later converted into shares ...
  5. Conversion Parity Price - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    The price one effectively pays for common stock when one exercises the conversion option of a convertible security. One calculates the market conversion price ...
  6. conversion parity price
    The price that an investor effectively pays for common stock by purchasing a...
  7. Convertible Bonds, Conversion Ratio, Conversion Parity ...
    When the bond is first issued, the bond price is much higher than the conversion parity price. The difference between the bond price and the conversion parity ...
  8. Conversion parity price - Financial Definition
    Financial Definition of Conversion parity price and related terms: Related:Market conversion price . .