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The strategy of pushing new products to current customers based on their past purchases. Cross-selling is designed to widen the customer's reliance on the company and decrease the likelihood of the customer switching to a competitor.

Related information about cross-selling:
  1. Cross-selling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Cross-selling is the action or practice of selling among or between established clients, markets, traders, etc. or the action or practice of selling an additional ...
  2. What is Cross-Selling?
    Nov 18, 2012 ... Cross-selling is a strategy for selling new or complementary items to existing customers. Cross-selling can be used for both...
  3. 8 Ideas for Cross Selling Success
    Cross selling is a vital sales technique in your arsenal as a small business owner , and we've provided eight ideas to help you maximize your cross selling ...
  4. Cross-Sell Definition | Investopedia
    Cross selling is one of the easiest and most effective methods of marketing. In the financial services arena, cross selling can mean selling different types of ...
  5. Cross-selling Strategies - LegalBizDev
    of success? “Cross-selling” new services to existing clients sounds easy. After all, ... Some law firms have reported great success with cross-selling. For example ...
  6. What is cross-selling? definition and meaning
    Definition of cross-selling: The strategy of pushing new products to current customers based on their past purchases. Cross-selling is designed to widen the ...
  7. The Art Of The Cross-Sell - Forbes
    Jan 25, 2012 ... Cross-selling, the strategy of selling multiple financial products to existing customers, is easier said than done in the banking industry. But Wells ...
  8. What is cross-sell? - Definition from
    Articles. What is cross selling -- and does it justify MDM? up-sell · Can call center up-selling negatively affect the customer experience? Should we cross-sell to ...