Exchange Currency

exchange rate mechanism

nouna method of stabilising exchange rates within the European Monetary System, where currencies could only move up or down within a narrow band (usually 2.25 per cent either way, but for certain currencies widened to 6 per cent) without involving a realignment of all the currencies in the system.AbbreviationERM  

Related information about exchange rate mechanism:
  1. European Exchange Rate Mechanism - Wikipedia, the free ...
    The European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) was a system introduced by the European Community in March 1979, as part of the European Monetary ...
  2. Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) Definition | Investopedia
    An exchange rate mechanism is based on the concept of fixed currency exchange rate margins. However, there is variability of the currency exchange rates ...
  3. What is exchange rate mechanism (ERM)? definition and meaning
    Definition of exchange rate mechanism (ERM): Process by which member countries of an economic community (such as the European Union) maintain ...
  4. ERM (Exchange Rate Mechanism) - BBC News
    Apr 30, 2001 ... The ERM was one of the building blocks of the single currency, but it fell apart in 1992.
  5. Exchange Rate Mechanism financial definition of Exchange Rate ...
    The methodology by which members of the EMS maintain their currency exchange rates within an agreed-upon range with respect to other member countries.
  6. Exchange Rate Mechanism - The Free Dictionary
    (Economics) the mechanism formerly used in the European Monetary System in which participating governments committed themselves to maintain the values ...
  7. What is ERM II? - European Commission
    Jul 31, 2012 ... The Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM II) was set up on 1 January 1999 as a successor to ERM to ensure that exchange rate fluctuations ...
  8. Exchange rate mechanism (ERM II) between the euro and - Europa
    EUROPA - Summaries of EU legislation - The Agreement establishes an exchange rate mechanism to replace the old European Monetary System (EMS), which ...