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familial status

Defined by the Fair Housing Act; a characteristic determined by a person's household where one or more individuals under the age of 18 live with a parent or legal guardian. Prohibits denying rights to people under the age of 18 who live with a parent or guardian.

Related information about familial status:
  1. Familial Status: Definition from
    Characteristic determined by a persons household type, such as marriage and existing or prospective children.
  2. DFEH - Familial Status - Housing
    Fair Employment and Housing Act - Familial Status. Discrimination. The Fair Employment and Housing Act prohibits discrimination in all aspects of housing ...
  3. Familial Status Law & Legal Definition
    Familial status is governed by federal and state laws, which vary by state. This characteristic is determined by a person's household type, such as marriage and ...
  4. Protected Classes - What does familial status cover
    "Familial status" protects families with children (under 18) from housing discrimination. This protection is broad, and also covers women who are pregnant and ...
  5. Fair Housing Council of Oregon - Familial Status as a Protected Class
    "Familial status" means having a child under age 18 in the household, whether living with a parent, a legal custodian, or their designee. It also covers a woman ...
  6. Just What is Familial Status? : Fair Housing Defense
    Oct 25, 2010 ... If you have read this blog (and really, who in the professional apartment management business has NOT been reading the blog), you know that ...
  7. Fair Housing Laws and the Provisions Prohibiting Discrimination ...
    in 1988, defines familial status as "one or more individuals (who have not attained ... basis of familial status shall apply to any person who is pregnant or is in the ...
  8. Familial Status Discrimination - Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc.
    Familial. Status. Discrimination. If you or anyone you know has been discriminated against in the rental or sale of a home based on familial status, contact BNI for ...