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hold harmless clause

A clause in a contract where one party agrees to protect the other party from claims. Protects the other party from lawsuits; for example, a landlord of a commercial property may include a hold harmless clause that indemnifies them from actions taken by customers of the tenant.

Related information about hold harmless clause:
  1. What is hold harmless clause? definition and meaning
    Definition of hold harmless clause: A provision in an agreement under which one or both parties agree not to hold the other party responsible for any loss, ...
  2. Hold Harmless Clause Definition | Investopedia
    A statement in a legal contract stating that an individual or organization is not liable for any injuries or damages caused to the individual signing the contract.
  3. What is an Indemnification or Hold-Harmless Clause?
    Apr 21, 2011 ... An overview of Indemnification (or Hold-Harmless Clause), what it entails, and it's enforce-ability in Californian contracts.
  4. Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site 139 Saint-Gaudens
    Hold Harmless Clause. This agreement is made upon the express condition that the United States of America, its agents and employees shall be free from all ...
  5. Hold Harmless Clause - Buzzle
    Apr 15, 2010 ... What is the hold harmless clause? Here's an article on the hold harmless indemnification clause, its purpose and use.
  6. What Is the Hold Harmless Clause?
    Oct 25, 2012 ... A hold harmless clause is a part of a contract that says that one party agrees not to hold the other one responsible for damages...
  7. hold-harmless clause - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A contract provision that if one party is harmed, injured, subjected to claims,sued, or has a judgment against it,the other party to the contract will reimburse the first ...
  8. hold harmless clause - City of Phoenix
    ..., its successors and assigns, hereby agrees to save and hold harmless the City, any of its departments, agencies, officers or employees, all of whom while ...