Exchange Currency

incentive fee

Fee paid as an incentive to the general partner of a hedge fund or, less frequently, the manager of a mutual fund, the amount of which depends on his/her performance, usually relative to some benchmark index. Such a form of compensation could in fact extend to any financial professional, but tends to be most common among people directly responsible for managing funds. Since managers are compensated based on actual results, they will try to get the best results for their clients, but the argument is sometimes made that an incentive fee might encourage the manager to take more risks than he/she otherwise would in pursuit of maximum returns. also called incentive fee.

Related information about incentive fee:
  1. Incentive Fee Definition | Investopedia
    For instance, a fund manager may receive an incentive fee if his or her fund outperforms the S&P 500 Index over a calendar year, and may increase as the level ...
  2. Cost-plus-incentive fee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A cost-plus-incentive fee contract (CPIF) is a cost-reimbursement contract that provides for an initially negotiated fee to be adjusted later by a formula based on ...
  3. What is incentive fee? definition and meaning
    Definition of incentive fee: Fee paid as an incentive to the general partner of a hedge fund or, less frequently, the manager of a mutual fund, the amount of which ...
  4. Incentive Fee - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Compensation paid to commodities trading advisers or to any practitioner who achieves above-average returns. Sometimes called performance fee.
  5. What Is an Incentive Fee?
    An incentive fee is a fee which is paid to a financial professional as a reward for good performance. Incentive fees are most commonly seen as a form of ...
  6. A Cost Plus Incentive Fee Vs. a Fixed Priced Contract |
    When a job is put out for bids from contractors, the employer has options on the type of contract. In a fixed-fee contract, the contractor includes the costs of ...
  7. Subpart 16.4—Incentive Contracts
    The cost-plus-incentive-fee contract is a cost-reimbursement contract that provides for the initially negotiated fee to be adjusted later by a formula based on the ...
  8. NCMA Article: Incentive and Award-Fee Contracting.
    (DOD) award-fee and incentive-fee con- tracts valued at more than $10 million each, from fiscal year 1999 through 2003, was the power of monetary incentives ...