Exchange Currency

index number

A numerical index, usually indicating, by comparison with a base value of 100, the size of the index relative to a base year or other benchmark for comparison. Thus, for example, a CPI of 115 in 2004 with a base year of 1999 means that prices have risen 15% from 1999 to 2004.

Related information about index number:
  1. Index (economics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    An index number is an economic data figure reflecting price or quantity compared with a standard or base value. The base usually equals 100 and the index ...
  2. index number - The Free Dictionary
    A number indicating change in magnitude, as of price, wage, employment, or production shifts, relative to the magnitude at a specified point usually taken as 100 ...
  3. Index Number -- from Wolfram MathWorld
    Index Number. A statistic which assigns a single number to several individual statistics in order to quantify trends. The best-known index in the United States is ...
  4. What is index number? definition and meaning
    Definition of index number: Indicator of average percentage change in a series of figures where one figure (called the base) is assigned an arbitrary value of 100 ...
  5. 15. Basic Index Number Theory - IMF
    370. 15. Basic Index Number Theory. A. Introduction. The answer to the question what is the Mean of a given set of magnitudes cannot in general be found ...
  6. Index numbers
    The index number shows us that there has been a price increase of 32% since the ... An index number for a single price change like this is called a price relative.
  7. index number: Definition from
    index number n. A number indicating change in magnitude, as of price, wage, employment, or production shifts, relative t.
  8. Price and Index Number Research Home Page
    Division of Price and Index Number Research. The Division was created in 1963 in response to the Stigler Commission Report on Federal price statistics.