Exchange Currency

option premium

The amount per share that an option buyer pays to the seller. The option premium is primarily affected by the difference between the stock price and the strike price, the time remaining for the option to be exercised, and the volatility of the underlying stock. Affecting the premium to a lesser degree are factors such as interest rates, market conditions, and the dividend rate of the underlying stock. Because the value of an option decreases as its expiration date approaches and becomes worthless after that date, options are called wasting assets. The total value of an option consists of intrinsic value, which is simply how far in-the-money an option is, and time value, which is the difference between the price paid and the intrinsic value. Understandably, time value approaches zero as the expiration date nears. also called option price.

Related information about option premium:
  1. Option Premium Definition | Investopedia
    1. The income received by an investor who sells or "writes" an option contract to another party. 2. The current price of any specific option contract that has yet to ...
  2. What is option premium? definition and meaning
    Definition of option premium: The amount per share that an option buyer pays to the seller. The option premium is primarily affected by the difference between ...
  3. Option (finance) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In finance, an option is a contract which gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset or instrument at a specified strike price ...
  4. Options Premium Explained | The Options & Futures Guide
    IntroductionCall OptionPut OptionStrike PriceOption PremiumMoneyness ExpirationExercise & AssignmentGetting Started in Options TradingFinding an Options ...
  5. Option Premium - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Option Premium. Also found in: Wikipedia, 0.02 sec. Option premium. The option price. Option Premium. The price one pays to buy an option contract, whether it ...
  6. Option Premium Definition - What is Option Premium?
    What is Option Premium? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Option Premium.
  7. Options Premium by
    Options Premium Tutorial: Learn about what Options Premium mean and how it affects your options trading.
  8. Options Pricing
    An option's premium (intrinsic value plus time value) generally increases as the option becomes further in the money, and decreases as the option becomes ...