The seller of an option contract. also called grantor or writer.
Related information about option writer:
- Option Writer - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
One who originally sells an option contract. In exchange for the premium, the option writer takes on an obligation to buy or sell (depending on the type of option) ...
- Options writing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An option writer sells options intending to profit from the decline of extrinsic value on options, referred to as time value. If the option expires without being ...
- Option writer
The option writer takes on a significant risk, due to the potential obligation to buy a security at below its market value (in the case of a put option) or sell a security ...
- Writing An Option Definition | Investopedia
In a covered call, the option writer already owns the underlying trading instrument ... If the option writer does not own the underlying instrument, it is said to be a ...
- What is option writer? definition and meaning
Definition of option writer: The seller of an option contract. also called grantor or writer.
- Option Writer Definition - What is Option Writer?
What is Option Writer? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Option Writer.
- Option Writer: Definition from
person or financial institution that sells put and call options. A writer of a put option contracts to buy 100 shares of stock from the put option buyer.
- Option Writer « Financial Definitions from
The option writer's purpose is to earn the premium paid by the option buyer. The buyer pays a premium hoping that in the time before the option expires, the ...