Exchange Currency

par value of currency

The nominal dollar amount present between the currency of two countries, which is based off of the current official exchange rate. As the exchange rate is adjusted upwards and downwards, the par value of currency ratio will rise and fall in accordance.

Related information about par value of currency:
  1. Par Value of Currency - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Par value of currency. The official exchange rate between two countries' currencies. Par Value of Currency. The dollar amount of the exchange rate between two ...
  2. Par Value of Currency: Definition from
    ratio of one nations currency unit to that of another country, as defined by the official exchange rates between the two countries; also called par of.
  3. Par value of currency Definition -
    Par value of currency: read the definition of Par value of currency and 8000+ other financial and investing terms in the Financial Glossary.
  4. What is par value of currency? definition and meaning
    Definition of par value of currency: The nominal dollar amount present between the currency of two countries, which is based off of the current official exchange ...
  5. Par Value of Currency
    The Par Value of Currency is the official, quoted exchange rate between any two countries' currency.
  6. Par Value - Filing Business Taxes -
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  7. Foreign Exchange History
    This official fixed rate of exchange was known as the par value of currency (aka par of exchange, par exchange rate). However, to avoid making deleterious ...
  8. floating exchange rate Definition | Business Dictionaries from ...
    par value of currency. ratio of one nation's currency unit to that of another country, as defined by the official exchange rates between the two countries; also ...