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plant, property, and equipment (PPE)

A long-term, tangible asset held for business use and not expected to be converted to cash in the current or upcoming fiscal year, such as manufacturing equipment, real estate, and furniture. also called fixed asset.

Related information about plant, property, and equipment (PPE):
  1. What is plant, property, and equipment (PPE)? definition and meaning
    Definition of plant, property, and equipment (PPE): A long-term, tangible asset held for business use and not expected to be converted to cash in the current or ...
  2. The Depreciation of a Plant & Equipment |
    Building and equipment, commonly referred to as plant, property and equipment ( PPE) by accountants, are depreciable assets that allow a business to.
  3. PP&E (Property, Plant And Equipment) > Bens do ativo imobilizado
    Apr 4, 2011... financeiro liquid asset(s) ativo fixo fixed assets ativo imobilizado; bens do ativo imobilizado fixed assets; plant; property and equipment (PPE) ...
  4. Policy 4202 - Capitalization, Depreciation, and ... - Yale University
    Sep 7, 2005 ... Plant, Property and Equipment (PPE). Land, buildings, im provem ents and fixed equipm entthat appear in the U niversity's financialstatem ents.
  5. Gain on Sale of PPE - Sonoma State University
    Gross Plant, Property and Equipment (PPE). Less Accumulated Depreciation. Net Plant Property and Equipment. Intangibles. Liabilities. Accounts Payable ...
  6. 2012 Top Manufacturing Equipment Companies in Chemicals
    Plant, Property, and Equipment (PPE) is usually the largest line item on most manufacturers' balance sheets--sometimes representing billions of dollars. Despite ...
  7. 1 - DTIC
    The accurate accounting of Navy's plant property and equipment (PPE) has recently been a target of the General Accounting Office (GAO). The GAO, the press ...
  8. C/4/6 - IRENA
    Oct 14, 2012 ... accounting treatment of plant, property, and equipment (PPE). IRENA is reviewing its 2012 expenditures and PPE acquisitions to ascertain that ...