Exchange Currency

pro rata

In proportion to, as determined by a specific factor.

Related information about pro rata:
  1. Pro rata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Pro rata is an adverb or adjective, meaning in proportion. The term is used in many legal and economic contexts. It is sometimes spelled pro-rata, but this is ...
  2. Pro-Rata Definition | Investopedia
    Used to describe a proportionate allocation. A method of assigning an amount to a fraction, according to its share of the whole.
  3. pro rata - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    [Latin, Proportionately.] A phrase that describes a division made according to a certain rate, percentage, or share. In a Bankruptcy case, when the debtor is ...
  4. pro rata - definition of pro rata by the Free Online Dictionary ...
    pro ra·ta (pr r t , rä -, r t ). adv. In proportion, according to a factor that can be calculated exactly. [Latin pr rat (parte), according to the calculated (share) : pr ...
  5. Theatre Pro Rata
    A special thanks to everyone who donated to Pro Rata on the recent Give to the Max Day! For those of you who missed it, here is the lovingly crafted, ...
  6. Pro rata - Merriam-Webster Online
    proportionately according to an exactly calculable factor (as share or liability). — pro rata adjective. See pro rata defined for kids » ...
  7. What is pro rata? definition and meaning
    Definition of pro rata: Proportionate allocation or distribution of a quantity (such as costs, income, shares, taxes) on the basis of a common factor. For example ...
  8. pro rata - Sentence Examples - YourDictionary
    Accounting periods days or hours will be calculated pro rata to an accounting period of four weeks. ... Job vacancy administrative assistant £ 14,787 p.a. pro rata.