Exchange Currency


A measurement of how closely a portfolio's performance correlates with the performance of a benchmark index, such as the S&P 500, and thus a measurement of what portion of its performance can be explained by the performance of the overall market or index. Values for r-squared range from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates no correlation and 1 indicates perfect correlation.

Related information about r-squared:
  1. Coefficient of determination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In this case R-squared increases as we increase the number of variables in the model (R2 will not decrease). This illustrates a drawback to one possible use of ...
  2. R-Squared Definition | Investopedia
    A statistical measure that represents the percentage of a fund or security's movements that can be explained by movements in a benchmark index.
  3. R-Squared Conference
    R-Squared 2012 may be over, but the exciting work is just beginning. Now is the time to put all of those great ideas you learned in Telluride into practice.
  4. R-Squared Energy | Consumer Energy Report
    4 days ago ... The mission of R-Squared is to foster civil, objective discussions on energy and environmental issues. twitter =!/RRapier ...
  5. R-Squared - Compliance solutions for the healthcare enterprise
    Software & consulting services to help assure healthcare corporations with compliance with industry regulations and laws.
  6. Definition of "R-Squared"
    R-Squared. R-Squared is a statistical term saying how good one term is at predicting another. If R-Squared is 1.0 then given the value of one term, you can ...
  7. What's a good value for R-squared?
    The question is often asked: "what's a good value for R-squared?" Sometimes the claim is even made: "a model is not useful unless its R-squared is at least x", ...
  8. R Squared Consutlants
    R Squared Consultants provides pioneering solutions to educational/non-profit organizations and to small and mid-sized businesses. Utilizing a blend of ...