Exchange Currency

rolling hedge

Method of reducing risk by closing out existing positions as they approach maturity and replacing them with positions that have later maturity dates. This strategy is typically used with options that are bought to reduce the risk of wide swings in the price of a security.

Related information about rolling hedge:
  1. Rolling Hedge Definition | Investopedia
    A strategy for reducing risk that involves using the high levels of liquidity typically present with exchange-traded futures and options in order to achieve a ...
  2. Rolling Hedge: Definition from
    Rolling Hedge A strategy for reducing risk that involves using the high levels of liquidity typically present with exchange-traded futures and options.
  3. What is rolling hedge? definition and meaning
    Definition of rolling hedge: Method of reducing risk by closing out existing positions as they approach maturity and replacing them with positions that have later ...
  4. rolling hedge - Invest Definition
    rolling hedge definition: A hedge carried over for successive periods in order to keep it in place. This is done because even though the underlying contract might ...
  5. What is ROLLING HEDGE? - The Law Dictionary
    Definition of ROLLING HEDGE: A risk reducing strategy that involves closing out nearby or next nearby derivative contracts and then repurchasing to push out ...
  6. Understanding Risk in Hedge-to-Arrive Contracts - Iowa State ...
    December HTA contract, intra-year rolling hedge. • Producer fixed December 1995 futures, $2.85. • Elevator sold December 1995 futures, $2.85. • Producer ...
  7. 6788 Rolling Hedge Lane, Rockford IL - Trulia
    Photos, maps, description for 6788 Rolling Hedge Lane, Rockford IL. Search homes for sale, get school district and neighborhood info for Rockford, IL on ...
  8. Rolling Hedge
    Using the relatively high liquidity in exchange-traded futures and option contracts to maintain a continuous (relatively short-term) risk offsetting position by ...