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sales volume

The amount or number of units that are sold of a particular product or service.

Related information about sales volume:
  1. What is sales volume? -
    Definition of sales volume: The quantity or number of goods sold or services sold in the normal operations of a company in a specified period.
  2. Difference Between the Sales & Sales Volume |
    A company's leadership knows that profitability prospects -- meaning, sales and sales volume -- generally hinge to a large degree on how customers perceive ...
  3. What is sales volume? definition and meaning -
    Definition of sales volume: The amount or number of units that are sold of a particular product or service.
  4. Sales variance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Sales Volume Variance is calculated as: budgeted individual product contribution margin per ... Sales Volume Variance is further sub-divided into two variances.
  5. Sales Volume Breakeven Analysis
    Find out how much you need to sell to start making a profit with this interactive financial calculator from CPA Website Solutions.
  6. Sales Volume Variance: Definition from
    Difference between the actual number of units sold and the budgeted number, multiplied by the budgeted selling price per unit; also called sales quantity.
  7. Sales Volume Variance - AccountingTools
    Sales Volume Variance Calculation | Formula | Example.
  8. Breakeven Sales Volume C5-201 April 2007
    Breakeven Sales Volume. Don Hofstrand, retired extension value added agriculture specialist, Product price can be based on the cost of ...