Exchange Currency


An amount which is lower than (i.e. worse than) expected or required.

Related information about shortfall:
  1. shortfall - definition of shortfall by the Free Online Dictionary ...
    A failure to attain a specified amount or level; a shortage. 2. The amount by which a supply falls short of expectation, need, or demand.
  2. Expected shortfall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Expected shortfall (ES) is a risk measure, a concept used in finance (and more specifically in the field of financial risk measurement) to evaluate the market risk ...
  3. Shortfall Synonyms, Shortfall Antonyms |
    Synonyms for shortfall at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
  4. Shortfall Definition | Investopedia
    The amount by which a financial obligation or liability exceeds the amount of cash that is available. A shortfall can be temporary in nature, arising out of a unique ...
  5. Shortfall | Define Shortfall at
    the quantity or extent by which something falls short; deficiency; shortage. 2. the act or fact of falling short. Relevant Questions. An Economic System in Wh..
  6. Use shortfall in a sentence | shortfall sentence examples
    Example sentences with the word shortfall. shortfall example ...
  7. Shortfall - Merriam-Webster Online
    a failure to come up to expectation or need <a budget shortfall>; also : the amount of such failure <a $2 million shortfall>. See shortfall defined for ...
  8. What is shortfall? definition and meaning
    Definition of shortfall: An amount which is lower than (i.e. worse than) expected or required.