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vertical merger

Merger of a vendor and a customer.

Related information about vertical merger:
  1. Vertical Merger Definition | Investopedia
    A vertical merger occurs when two or more firms, operating at different levels within an industry's supply chain, merge operations. Most often the logic behind the ...
  2. Vertical Merger - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A merger between two business firms that have a buyer-seller relationship. Business mergers can take two forms: horizontal and vertical. In a horizontal merger, ...
  3. 5 Types of Company Mergers | MBDA Web Portal
    A vertical merger occurs when two or more firms, operating at different levels within an industry's supply chain, merge operations. Most often the logic behind the ...
  4. What is the difference between a horizontal and vertical merger
    Vertical Merger A vertical merger occurs when a supplier buys a reseller, or vice versa. The key point is that the two companies have a buyer-seller relationship.
  5. Comcast/NBCU: The FCC Provides a Roadmap for Vertical Merger ...
    Vertical Merger Analysis. BY JONATHAN B. BAKER relied upon several economic models and empirical studies in addition to documentary evidence and the ...
  6. A Vertical Merger Takes Place When a Company Combines With a ...
    Vertical mergers are distinguished from horizontal in that they typically involve a company combining with one or more of their suppliers or distributors. Often ...
  7. What is a Vertical Merger?
    Vertical mergers are company mergers that involve the union of a customer with a vendor. Generally, the two companies involved in the merger will produce ...
  8. What is vertical merger? definition and meaning
    Definition of vertical merger: Merger of a vendor and a customer.