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The level of predictability of upcoming financial data about a company, especially sales and earnings. When the numbers are fairly easy to predict, visibility is said to be high.

Related information about visibility:
  1. Visibility - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In meteorology, visibility is a measure of the distance at which an object or light can be clearly discerned. It is reported within surface weather observations and ...
  2. ERP Software Solutions | Enterprise Resource Planning | Visibility
    ERP software solutions from Visibility Corporation, targeting complex, project- based, to-order and hybrid manufacturing companies.
  3. CSS visibility property
    Definition and Usage. The visibility property specifies whether or not an element is visible. Tip: Even invisible elements take up space on the page. Use the ...
  4. visibility - definition of visibility by the Free Online Dictionary ...
    vis·i·bil·i·ty (v z -b l -t ). n. pl. vis·i·bil·i·ties. 1. The fact, state, or degree of being visible. 2. The greatest distance under given weather conditions to which it is ...
  5. Visibility Magazine
    Search Engine Marketing Magazine (SEO) , Internet Marketing, Web Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Magazine.
  6. Visibility for your image your best in everything you wear
    Nov 4, 2012 ... Making the best choices for wardrobe color and style being your best in how you dress and hair style choices.
  7. Visibility - Merriam-Webster Online
    a : the degree of clearness (as of the atmosphere or ocean); specifically : the greatest distance through the atmosphere toward the horizon at which prominent ...
  8. Visibility | Air & Radiation | US EPA
    One of the most basic forms of air pollution - haze - degrades visibility in many American cities and scenic areas. Haze is caused when sunlight encounters tiny ...